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J.E. LOVE CO. Garfield, WA. USA 509-635-1321 - sales@jeloveco.com



Flexible floating cutterbar on parallel linkage follows ground contours. Harrow controls cutterbar working height.

Agicultural Products::MOW-MASTERTM Harrow

Chisel Plow

Mow and Harrow in one pass.

Breaks up stubble and residue after harvest. Stimulates germination of volunteer grain and weed seed.

MOW-MASTER Harrow with Cutterbar
One-pass cut and harrow after harvest allows more efficient combining. Shorter residue makes for easier tillage and seeding. Cutting and harrowing residue speeds up decomposition. Stimulates grass growth and cleans out weeds in CRP ground.

Harrow Cart
Tongue and frame of 8"x6" heavy-duty steel tubing. Main wheels with 8-bolt hubs and 13.5 x 16.1 flotation tires. Wing beams of 8" x 8" heavy-duty steel tubing. Four wing wheels (two each transport and field) with 6-bolt hubs and 9.5 x 15 implement tires.

Harrow Sections
Five-bar construction with 9/16" x 26" heavy-duty torsion spring tines. Harrow carrier arm with parallel linkage to assure level travel. Tine angle adjustable with rear crank. Front and rear harrow mount bars adjustable separately. Control harrow downpressure from tractor to clear residue.

Flexible Floating Cutterbar
Double-sickle system: reciprocating sickle with 3" sections running over fixed 2" sections. Hydraulic motor drives (one per wing) on independent circuit, Raise and lower cutterbar from tractor cab. Cutterbar height adjustable from 4" to 14" above ground level. Flexible cutterbar follows ground contours with harrow.

SPECIFICATIONS40' Model60' Model
Working width : 48' 60'
Transport Length: 42'8" 48'8"
Transport Width: 10'11" 10'11"
Transport Height: 10'6" 10'6"
Weight (frame and harrow): 10,350 lbs. 11,850 lbs.
Weight (cutterbar and drive): 2,020 lbs. 2,180 lbs.


MOW-MASTER Patents Pending.





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